Everyone starts out small. That includes silver.solutions. With a wink we look back on the very beginnings of the company, the first shop applications and our greatest triumphs.
Marketing specialist Ania Hentz and computer scientist Frank Dege have had enough of their old jobs and start silver.solutions
We sell our first self-developed shop system with integrated ERP. The Dotcom bubble bursts immediately after that. Sorry…
silver.solutions develops Internet solutions with PHP and WAP as well as mail and BTX integration. Aw, good times
The new silver.solutions website goes online. It welcomes visitors with a stylish Flash intro. It was a different era…
Microsoft buys Navision for 1.5 billion euros. The company concentrates entirely on the further development of the ERP solution and discontinues the e-commerce part
Our first apprentice graduates. Sven is now an IT specialist in application development. They grow so fast…
The web.connector for Microsoft Dynamics NAV web.connector für Microsoft Dynamics NAV (then still Navision), developed jointly with TSO-DATA GmbH, appears and strikes a chord with many medium-sized companies
Facebook starts as a network for students, later silver.solutions joins at facebook.com/silversolutionsberlin
A new shop system is released that is closely integrated with the CMS eZ Publish and offers ERP integration via the web.connector
Our new website is online. Now you can actually recognise something
web.connector is now also available for SAP. More than 30 customers already use the ERP interface
Twitter is founded. We tweet along at @silver_berlin
silver.solutions wins the eZ Award with the web.connector. Neighbours complain about the noise at our party
silver.basic is now silver.eShop. With its additional functions, silver.eShop focuses even more on B2B trading
Cats, cats everywhere
silver.solutions is now an eZ Silver Partner. Everything comes together
We become an eZ Gold Partner. We briefly consider changing our name
While Merkel is still alienated by the Internet, we have already brought more than 150 customers online
silver.eShop 3.0 is released, for the first time based on Symfony. Party time!
Our team event at the Escape Room brings out the best in us. But unfortunately we have to leave some colleagues behind
We should all come to work on hoverboads now. What's going on?
silver.eShop gets a sibling: The Multishop is specialized in providing a dealer platform
Shop managers take off with the new e-commerce cockpit. silver.eShop becomes the Swiss Army Knife for e-commerce that can also be used for Punchout and Headless Commerce
silver.solutions is competing in the Berlin company race. Note: Where we are, is ahead
Wael, our 12th apprentice, grows up multilingual. He speaks PHP and Javascript fluently and is currently developing a shopping list app for our weekly company purchases
silver.eShop becomes Ibexa Commerce. As part of the Ibexa DXP, the B2B shop software Ibexa Commerce is all about the customer experience
The new middleware B2B-Connector is a central integration solution that makes data and processes from ERP, PIM, CRM and other systems available online
Because we work from our home offices, we meet in a pixelated replica of our offices. Monday meetings, gossip at the coffee machine and poker rounds included!