Homepage 2021 Customers Mobile app for Highlite with specialist dealer search for B2B customers
Highlite International B.V.

Mobile app for Highlite with specialist dealer search for B2B customers

The idea to offer a mobile version of the Highlite shop for various mobile devices, especially for the Apple iPhone, has been around for some time. As early as 2009, silver.solutions has provided us with examples and ideas. As a result of the increasing popularity of mobile devices, Highlite decided in 2010 to launch an app. silver.solutions professionally implemented our requirements and created a mobile app that we can be proud of. The apps for the iPhone and iPad in particular are very impressive and have been effective in practice from the outset. 
silver.solutions has always given us support, inspired us and, if necessary, corrected us, in order to find the right way. We have been successfully collaborating for many years, combining creativity, technology and functionality. The project has been an overall success and forms the basis for ongoing improvements. silver.solutions will continue to be our partner for business critical eCommerce projects, for mobile devices as well as online.

Marcel Bahnen, Highlite International


Since 2004, Highlite has already been operating a very successful B2B shop based on Ibexa  software in combination with the B2B-Connector for Microsoft Dynamics NAV. The client was looking for a mobile application that makes the online shop available to specialist retailers on various mobile Apple devices: the iPhone, Android Phones and the iPad. The app is designed to feed the trend for mobile commerce and thus to develop further distribution channels. For end customers, the app will serve as a mobile catalogue in order to popularise the brands and products. A specialist retailer search specifically supports B2B customers and promotes indirect sales.

The solution in detail

The mobole App uses all existing functionalities and processes of the online shop, but it improves usability for the various mobile devices.
The apps are connected to the online shop via a B2B-Connector and facilitate the exchange of product data and ordering information between shop and mobile device.

Design and user interface have been optimised for the different end devices.

The app features the complete catalogue for the product segment “Entertainment Products” including the brands DMT, DAP-Audio and Showtec. Like in the online shop, the app displays all product details, i.e. product description and prices as well as technical specifications and additional documents.

Once registered, Highlite retailers can use their existing access data to use the advanced features and can see customer-specific prices. The shopping cart function that allows you to order any number of products has been extended to include a quick order form for customers ordering from the catalogue.

End consumers can use the app as a mobile catalogue without order function. They can see the list prices and thus gain detailed information about the Highlite product range. The app also has a local dealer search that links to Google Maps, a locality search and a brand search. 
Company news and some important info pages complete the app.

A delegate function for field staff further improves the value of the application. Highlite employees can log in as customers and place orders in their name.

The result

The customer base for audio and light equipment is young, flexible and, of course, mobile. With this app, Highlite provides its specialist retailers with a tool that allows them to stand out from the market.

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